Minimal Nano Diet
2012 - 2013
The Minimal Nano Diet movement started amongst a group of nano-scientists specialised in Optical Metamaterials. Those scientists worked their entire life on constructing nano-scale structures that possessed the most magical optical characteristic in the world - materials with a negative refraction index. It allows the possibility of creating perfect lenses with resolution unrestrained by the wavelength of light - making it possible to see molecules under an optical microscope. After years and years of dealing with nano-structures and optics, colors and shapes became irrelevant to these scientists. They started to believe that by providing the body only the essential nutrients, the body will be purified and relieved of the burden of digestion and metabolism. These scientists then invented transparent nano-food, a food made from only the essential nutrients of human body. A microscope with a perfect lens is required for the real-time examination of the nano-structure while eating to experience the maximum pleasure of dining. The published "Minimal Nano Diet Guide" is the first book ever to record the methods for examining the patterns of essential nutrients under a perfect microscope, and the “recipes” of these nano-foods.
Special thanks to: Li-Wei Chen, Haohsin Chang, Hong-Chi Cheng, Fred Ku